Christian Distinctiveness

Achieving and Growing Together

St Michael’s is a Church of England Primary School built on distinctive Christian Values at the very heart of its community.

We will provide:

  •          a welcoming, inclusive school with strong relationships across our community, that celebrates diversity;
  •          excellent teaching with a nurturing approach, guiding first steps to next steps;
  •          an inspirational and challenging curriculum which ignites curiosity, encourages resilience and grows confidence so children become lifelong learners;
  •          a happy, safe and stimulating environment in which children can achieve their full potential;


So that our children will flourish in all they do and become good citizens 



 “And some seed fell on good ground. This seed grew and made 100 times more grain.” (Luke 8:8)


See below for our most recent SIAMS inspection report from November 2022

Religious Education

At St. Michael’s C of E Primary School, religious education is taught in accordance with The Newcastle Diocesan Religious Education Syllabus and reflects the distinctive and inclusive ethos of our Anglican foundation.  Along with the national curriculum subjects, religious education forms the basic curriculum.  The purpose of religious education is to enable children to learn about religions and to learn from religion.
Learning about Religions
This includes:
1. Identifying, naming, describing and giving accounts in order to build up a coherent picture of       each religion.
2. Explaining the meaning of religious language, stories and symbolism.
3. Explaining similarities and differences between and within religions.
Learning from Religion
This includes:
1. Giving an informed and considered response to religious and moral issues.
2. Reflecting on what might be learnt from religion in the light of one’s own beliefs and experience.
3. Identifying and responding to questions of meaning within religion.

Religious education in a church school context
In recognition of our distinctive context, religious education has a high profile. We emphasise:
1. A wide range of Christian resources, including artefacts.
2. A close link with the local church family.
3. A Christian ethos, which permeates the whole curriculum but finds particular emphasis in this subject.
4. The Christian foundation of the school.


We are very proud to have such strong links with our church. St Michael's in Alnwick.  Our school and our church have a strong history and we work very hard together to maintain the important relationship we have.

  • Our children visit church regularly for services at: Harvest, Christmas, Easter and leavers' service.  
  • Our classes visit each month for a parish Eucharist.
  • Our children visit as part of their RE curriculum and also when finding out about the local area.

Our  Foundation Governors which make up the majority of the governing body and represent the church.

Our clergy visit school regularly to lead worship but also to take part in the wider life of the school including joining us for visits and attending school events - we love to see them (and they love to see us!)

Read more about our lovely church at: 


On the first Wednesday of each month we join together with the parishioners at St Michael's Church to take part in the weekly Eucharist.

This usually involves a class of children visiting church, but once a term Eucharist comes to school!  It is a very important part of our RE work and enhances our worship in school.  Children learn about the significance of Eucharist and enjoy taking part in this event each month.